It guarantees the savings promised by technology providers, while companies that are investing become more energy efficient.
We know that energy-efficient equipment may require a higher upfront investment in comparison to conventional ones. On the other hand, their operating costs are much lower in the long run. Therefore, trusting that the future energy savings will be achieved can make a difference in the investment decision.
By including GoSafe with ESI in an energy efficiency project, you have a unique, comprehensive solution that guarantees those savings, while greatly improving the environmental footprint of companies that upgrade to energy efficiency systems.

5 elements to ensure the safety of your project.
The ESI model includes different financial and non financial components designed to reduce all risks when investing in energy efficiency.
A ready-to-implement solution, GoSafe with ESI is available to all companies seeking to invest in energy efficient upgrades, and is very easy to incorporate.
Lower energy consumption means lower bills and a lower environmental impact.
GoSafe with ESI is a win-win-win-win type of solution, which benefits all engaged stakeholders: The company undertaking energy efficiency upgrades, providers of these technologies, insurance companies backing them and financial institutions.
Explore the benefitsPV panels, LED lighting, compressed air, solar heaters, boilers, cooling, and more.
GoSafe with ESI can be applied to the most representative and widely used technologies in all types of businesses and industries, to ensure that we can help you in your transition to energy efficiency.
Whatever your needs are, our solution should be able to fit your project.
Why did we create ESI?
And does it imply any costs?
According to
the International
Energy Agency
Of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions stem from energy production and use, but
of all emissions reductions required to achieve the Paris Agreement target and limit global warming by 1.5°C can be solely achieved through energy efficiency.
We firmly believe innovative business models can trigger and accelerate wider adoption of energy-efficient technologies, therefore we hand-crafted GoSafe with ESI to be easily implementable, used and replicable anywhere.
Backed by the European Union and powered by BASE, a specialised partner of the United Nations Environmental Program, GoSafe with ESI is a market based solution that adds value to the projects in which it is implemented, and this added value comes with a reasonable market cost that typically amount to a small percentage of the total investment.

The ESI model has previously been launched in Latin America in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank and has been very successful ever since.
Discover some of the most significant achievements of the programme from the stakeholders’ voice.