
The financing structure of GoSafe with ESI is designed and adapted to local markets and available financial instruments. The main goal is to provide clients the option to access financing for energy efficiency investments using the solution in more competitive and favourable conditions.

The main characteristics of the financing structure are:

Client as investor and credit taker for energy efficiency project with GoSafe with ESI.
Energy savings which are promised by the technology providers and covered by the insurance are fully retained by the client, avoiding future payments negotiations.
Technologie Providers can inform their clients about the green finance options available between the Financial Institutions engaged with GoSafe with ESI.
Banks mobilise their green credit lines (or create new products) for energy efficiency projects using the ESI model.
When financing a project with GoSafe with ESI,  Financial Institutions can have easy access to the performance of the energy efficient project, and therefore can report energy and emission savings towards their contribution to the  sustainability goals.
The financing structure is flexible and is complementary to existing supporting financial mechanisms for energy efficiency (e.g. incentives, credit guarantees, etc.) available in the country. We are partnering with financial institutions in all targeted countries to provide the best conditions for energy efficiency investments using GoSafe with ESI!

Client as investor and credit taker for energy efficiency project with GoSafe with ESI.

Energy savings which are promised by the technology providers and covered by the insurance are fully retained by the client, avoiding future payments negotiations.

Technologie Providers can inform their clients about the green finance options available between the Financial Institutions engaged with GoSafe with ESI.

Banks mobilise their green credit lines (or create new products) for energy efficiency projects using the ESI model.

When financing a project with GoSafe with ESI,  Financial Institutions can have easy access to the performance of the energy efficient project, and therefore can report energy and emission savings towards their contribution to the  sustainability goals.

The financing structure is flexible and is complementary to existing supporting financial mechanisms for energy efficiency (e.g. incentives, credit guarantees, etc.) available in the country.

We are partnering with financial institutions in all targeted countries to provide the best conditions for energy efficiency investments using GoSafe with ESI!

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